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Time Magazine: The Dems have lost their cotton-picking minds!

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Time Magazine: The Dems have lost their cotton-picking minds!

Post by lovinlife101 » Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:46 pm

New Hampshire Dems wish death on all humans rather than a Trump re-election. ... hampshire/

Not The Onion.

No wonder screen glare fits in with Dems. They wish death on everyone! The pre-born and the born!

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Re: Time Magazine: The Dems have lost their cotton-picking minds!

Post by lovinlife101 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:49 am

screen glare wrote:
Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:57 am
The last words of Nathan Hale - Revolutionary War hero - soldier spy for Continental Army - captured and executed by the British:

”I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country!”

Founding Father Patrick Henry:

“Give me liberty, or give me death!”

And now for a little quiz. Who said:

“Live free, or die!”
Here’s the difference, Skippy.

Nathan Hale VOLUNTARILY offered HIS life.

Patrick Henry VOLUNTARILY offered HIS life.

The ignorant, which includes you, WISH death on OTHERS NON-VOLUNTARILY.

Wishing death on others, including the pre-born, is wrong.

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Re: Time Magazine: The Dems have lost their cotton-picking minds!

Post by lovinlife101 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:36 am

screen glare wrote:
Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:54 am
Yo - LL101.
Lay out your formula to stop abortion.
Just assume Roe has been overturned by SCOTUS, and abortion in The US is once again illegal in every state.
Now what?
How would you stop abortion from being accomplished by females living in The US after it’s banned nationwide?
Please don’t side step this question. Lay out your “prevent choice/abortion no longer possible” scenario in very practical ideas and actions.
You’re operating from a false premise. Who said murder will ever be stopped? Murder will always be with us, so will ignorance, as you have so clearly demonstrated.

You encourage murder and death and excuse it because monsters make that choice. Any attempt to change hearts and minds to convince people that murder is wrong is pooped on by you with the “well, you’re not going to stop it” response.

The better, non-ignorant question to ask is what can I do to help? Can I help someone out financially to keep them from killing their kid? Sure! I can, and I do! Can I educate someone using science that the body inside the mother’s body is not the mother’s body? Sure! I can, and I do! Can I call out ignorant monsters who sentence these innocent, vulnerable lives to death and those like you that encourage it? Sure! I CAN, AND I DO!

Thankfully you weren’t born around the time of the Civil War since you’d be saying “Slavery will always be with us!”

Posts: 6164
Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:53 am

Re: Time Magazine: The Dems have lost their cotton-picking minds!

Post by lovinlife101 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 3:11 pm

screen glare wrote:
Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:56 pm
Just wanted to see the impossible exposed. The impossible which you LL101 and many other Americans promote as do-able in The Land of Liberty.

You see - with murder - (your premise LL101) - we punish by murdering - via the state. Or - the “collective we” often imprison for life. Thus - the logical extension of your “abortion is murder” premise is: punish the murderer by murdering the female, or imprisoning her for life. Or imprison and watch her round the clock while pregnant - until she delivers.

I have expressed the truism “abortion will always be with us” many many times on this board. This is the FIRST time (because of your premise) you’ve agreed - by stating “murder” will always be with us.

Regarding your accusation that I would condone slavery -
it’s simply you - once again - arrogantly and preposterously - and falsely - speaking - allegedly on my behalf.

You are a horse ass. Something a pony soldier might ride!
You’re welcome.
Nice try, Skippy, but as I’ve pointed out before, flattery will get you nowhere.

Ah, name-calling. When you don’t have an argument, attack the person you’re arguing with!

You promote murder because people do it, because you’re ignorant, and because you’re morally bankrupt. You would back slave owners because people chose it and previous attempts to abolish it legally failed.

Ever see where women chose not to murder their children? Happens all the time! They voluntarily do it! Why? Because they’re decent human beings and civilized!

But why stop at murder? Why not encourage necrophilia, obesity, drug use, adultery, thievery, pedophilia, Nickelback, and cheating on your taxes? Your “reasoning” is “you aren’t going to stop it.”

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