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Post by Turkeytop » Thu Dec 27, 2018 12:46 pm

Anyone have an update as to what's going on with WWV? A few months back, the word was that WWV was being funded only to the end of this year. Is that still true?

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Post by Deleted User 14803 » Thu Dec 27, 2018 1:02 pm

WWV gives you updates on the time about every minute or so 😝

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Post by k8jd » Sun Dec 30, 2018 6:21 pm

RadioKev wrote:
Thu Dec 27, 2018 1:02 pm
WWV gives you updates on the time about every minute or so 😝
It's a bit more accurate than "about every minute". also gives propagation reports and marine storm warnings for shipping. Is also a primary frequency standard.

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Post by Nelson » Sun Dec 30, 2018 6:37 pm

I'm curious, too. Hopefully, its funding will be continued but I'm concerned that lawmakers won't understand the value of WWV and may actually cut it from the budget.

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Post by Turkeytop » Mon Dec 31, 2018 12:26 am

I heard a report that, during the Government shutdown, it's running on Auto pilot. If anything breaks down, there will be no one to get it back up and running.

I notice their announcer hasn't been furloughed.

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Post by Turkeytop » Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:06 pm

Well, here it is 2019 and it's still going. Has it been given a stay of execution?

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Post by borderboy653659200 » Sat Feb 02, 2019 9:57 am

TT,were you bowhunted by Ted Nugent ?

Deleted User 14896


Post by Deleted User 14896 » Sat Feb 02, 2019 2:36 pm

So not to be snarly, but why do we need WWV? Just a question.
Do our TV's or computers or phones need the signal for some reason. Do the satellites that give us GPS need the signal?
I honestly don't know what function it serves.

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Post by Deleted User 14888 » Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:34 pm

My Timex watch will still keep ticking, Just like the Energizer 🐰 Bunny

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Post by SolarMax » Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:13 pm

Mike Oxlong wrote:
Sat Feb 02, 2019 2:36 pm
I honestly don't know what function it serves.
WWV serves and provides many important functions.
Besides the familiar voiced time broadcasts you hear, WWV simultaneously transmits BCD digital data of same, which is used, either as primary or backup, by many devices which require precision time reference. Non-internet connected devices can't access NTP servers, or may not have access to GPS time signals. WWV's parent agency, NIST, operates and maintains Cesium atomic clocks for civilian use, coordinated with similar ones around the world. Those "Atomic" Clocks you can hang on your wall use time data from WWVB's VLF (60kHz) signal to keep themselves regulated.
WWV's shortwave broadcast frequencies are themselves calibration standards, and indicators of HF propagation conditions. Many are not aware of WWVH, based in Hawaii, which provides similar broadcasts.
WWVH has a female announcer, and its time "ticks" are very slightly different in length and frequency from WWV's. When propagation is favorable, you can sometimes hear both stations at once, zero-beat (obviously).
The tones you hear between the voice announcements are precise, calibration-standard frequencies.
WWV transmits hourly geophysical ("space weather") alerts, with information about solar activity and geomagnetic storms, which affect things from radio communications to the power grid.
Until just a few days ago (Jan. 31), WWV was also broadcasting hourly voiced NOAA High Seas and Marine weather alerts.
WWV's funding has been retained, at least for FY 2019. Its operations budget is approx. $6.3 million, about 1/10000 percent of the overall Federal budget of over $6 Trillion.
WWV plans to celebrate its 100th Anniversary on October 1, 2019, as the world's oldest continuously-operating radio station.
Here's the WWV/WWVH Hourly Format

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Post by Turkeytop » Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:57 pm

The last time I checked, a few nights ago, it's still running.

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Post by SolarMax » Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:45 am

Turkeytop wrote:
Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:57 pm
The last time I checked, a few nights ago, it's still running.
Yup. Like clockwork. <rimshot>

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Post by Turkeytop » Fri Feb 15, 2019 12:25 am

WWV 100th Anniversary Special Event Operation in the Planning Stages


It’s a celebratory year for the WWV stations. The fiscal year (FY) 2019 budget — once signed — will include full funding for the stations, which also mark their 100th year this fall. The WWV Centennial Committee has a tentative agreement with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to mount a special event station this fall adjacent to the WWV site in Colorado to mark the 100th anniversary of the time and frequency standard station, the world’s oldest continuously operating radio station. A memorandum of understanding is in the works.

Dave Swartz, W0DAS, of the Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club (NCARC) heads the committee, which is developing plans for an NCARC special event from September 28 through October 2, with a NIST centennial observance tentatively set for October 1.

The NIST budget for WWV, WWVH, and WWVB will remain level for FY 2019. With the funding suspense over, Swartz told ARRL, “our committee is moving forward.”

Swartz and committee members Darren Kalmbach, KC0ZIE, and Kevin Utter, N7GES, met on February 8 with WWV/WWVB/WWVH Station Manager John Lowe, WWV Electronics Technician Glenn Nelson, and WWV Chief Engineer Matt Deutch, N0RGT.

“This was the first meeting for the committee and the first to include NIST upper management,” said Swartz, who called the meeting “very productive.” Swartz said NIST management is “on board” with the celebration, and Deutch plans to attend Hamvention May 17 – 19 to promote the centennial event.

Although the US government cannot fund any Amateur Radio special event expenses, the club members will be allowed to use a 15-acre parcel on WWV property, Swartz explained on the WWV Centennial website. “The operating site lies outside the security fence and simplifies logistics,” he said.

Swartz hopes that other clubs in Colorado will be able to pitch in to make the WWV Centennial a success. The WWV Centennial Committee will meet again on February 22. ... ing-stages

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Post by Nelson » Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:47 am

Good to hear!

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Post by k8jd » Wed Feb 20, 2019 4:08 pm

I actualy use WWV to set my clocks and watch now and then, When I plan to do some radio operating I check WWV and CHU on their several frequencies to see how propagation is, simply , by checking signal strength of the stations. I heard the marine WX forecast and storm warnings will be ended.

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