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Race to the Bottom

Discussion pertaining to Lansing, Jackson, Owosso, and all areas from Alma to Hillsdale
Posts: 2261
Joined: Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:59 am

Race to the Bottom

Post by sinklair » Thu Apr 04, 2024 6:19 am

As local stations continue to see massive cuts and layoffs, the heads of these companies continue to be financially incentivized to keep a firm line on cost controls.

Latest example is Scripps’ Adam Simpleton: ... king-it-in

It’s a race to the bottom as these publicly traded companies look to cut, cut, cut.

Instead, these CEOs should be compensated like News Directors, sales Account Executives. If they don’t meet budget goals, they don’t get paid. Instead of focusing on cutting budget expenses, Adam should get paid on efforts to improve ratings/raise the quality of local stations (moving Fox 47, WXYZ, Fox 17 out of last place). He should be rewarded like AEs by meeting broadcast and digital sales goals. He should be rewarded by supporting stations in efforts to focus on quality storytelling and community outreach. He should have his compensation tied to staff satisfaction surveys and staff retention.

And when he fails to meet these goals, his paycheck should reflect it. Give Adam and other company leaders a base salary of the lowest paid employee in the company with high financial incentives to improve ratings, sales, and employee performance.

Then you will start seeing a massive change at these stations. And you’ll start seeing bad managers like WSYM station manager Gary finally be held accountable for driving out good people.

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