AMEN! WLAV in particular plays the same rotted out butt rock shit that has been overplayed for 35+ years. The examples that people bring up of successful Classic Rock stations have moved heavily into the 80's with their music and partially 90's. WLAV plays Pink Floyd/Boston/Journey/Yes/Blue Oyster Cult.Radiobirdman wrote: ↑Fri May 03, 2024 10:26 pm Right now they are playing Journey's "Any Way You Want it." Honestly, what kind of advertiser wants to reach the demographic of someone happy to have heard that song 10,950 times in the last 30 years, besides Mountain Dew?
As I have mentioned before - Oldies stations started being phased out 20 years ago because 60's music was determined to be too old to draw ratings and drew too old of a demographic to sell. Using that logic, 80% of the shit WLAV still plays in regular rotation should have been phased out or scaled way back 10+ years ago. Hell, even early 80's stuff should start getting scaled back.