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This is the guy BMW wants to put back in the WH

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Re: This is the guy BMW wants to put back in the WH

Post by FakeAndyStuart » Wed Mar 27, 2024 10:41 am

Ronna Romney McConnell Kitzinger Paul Chaney Kennedy Rockefeller Reagan Bush Obama McDaniel didn't get the boot because of her ideas, beliefs, lies or Trump. It was NBC News upper management's belief that they could lay off a bunch of journalists and support folks and then bring in someone as a "paid contributor" ($300,000 grand a YEAR - WTF?) without laying the groundwork with the current "contributors" and newsroom staff. The shortsightedness and absolute inability to "read the (news)room" is actually laughable. They pay good money to folds like Rachael Maddox and Joe Scarbourogh to express strong opinions on political issues. And then don't realize that those opinions will come out... on their air... when they spring this decision on people without prior notification. The number one thing I take out of all of this is no one had the balls to call Mitten's niece and actually tell her she was fired... NBC News leadership isn't weak, it's incompetent and chickenshit.

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Re: This is the guy BMW wants to put back in the WH

Post by bmw » Wed Mar 27, 2024 10:47 am

The people over at Fox News are also paid big bucks to give strong political opinions. Yet, I can think of no instance where any of them ever once used their airtime to criticize the top brass for firing people like Tucker Carlson, Bill O'Reilly, or Eric Bolling, nor do I recall them ever criticizing the hiring of "paid contributors" such as Donna Brazile, who if I recall correctly at the time, had been involved in controversy over her feeding questions ahead of time to Hillary Clinton for at least one Town Hall appearance.

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Re: This is the guy BMW wants to put back in the WH

Post by Rate This » Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:00 am

bmw wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2024 10:47 am
The people over at Fox News are also paid big bucks to give strong political opinions. Yet, I can think of no instance where any of them ever once used their airtime to criticize the top brass for firing people like Tucker Carlson, Bill O'Reilly, or Eric Bolling, nor do I recall them ever criticizing the hiring of "paid contributors" such as Donna Brazile, who if I recall correctly at the time, had been involved in controversy over her feeding questions ahead of time to Hillary Clinton for at least one Town Hall appearance.
Outside of Brazille and that woman on The Nine the Democrats FOX brings in are almost universally horrible at making arguments or are out of the mainstream of Democratic opinion and this is purposely so that the Democrats appear ridiculous to the audience. Even I think the people they put up there are ridiculous often times. When a Buttigieg or someone else that’s well spoken goes on there or somebody like that it usually results in the FOX host being blown away. That’s why Hannity or any of the others rarely tangle with someone like that. It’s just become one big one subject echo chamber. At least when they had a platform he covered Republican politics and races and stuff too. Now it’s just 60 minutes of “Democrats Bad!” And it’s boring as hell. That’s why you likely don’t hear about anything from the talent. Also if you displease the Murdochs… you’re gone. That’s also a terrible management style but that’s what they do.
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Re: This is the guy BMW wants to put back in the WH

Post by FakeAndyStuart » Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:32 am

bmw wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2024 10:47 am
The people over at Fox News are also paid big bucks to give strong political opinions.
Here, let me fix that for you...
bmw wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2024 10:47 am
The people over at Fox News are also paid big bucks to give strong political opinions that are aligned with the opinions and goals of management and ownership of Fox News..
If your point is that Fox News is better managed, I agree. If your point is that somehow Fox News personnel are more "professional" or something similar, I disagree. NBC News wants to be a provider of information and since there are now two different sets of facts around each story their goals (as far as I can tell) was to present both sets of facts. And NBC News personnel weren't afraid to express their displeasure about the hiring. Fox News wants to spew exactly the viewpoints of the guy signing the check. And each newsperson has to decide if the cheese is SO good, they won't complain on how it's made.

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Re: This is the guy BMW wants to put back in the WH

Post by bmw » Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:55 pm

I've said in here before that in recent years that Fox News has really gone downhill. I agree with RT that it has become a Republican echo chamber and that the few liberals on the network are token liberals.

But that's not the point. The point is that it is not the role or job of an on-air personality to use their time slot to criticize their boss. And Andy - are you suggesting that the people on MSNBC aren't as far to the left and aligned with the opinions and goals of ownership as are the Fox News people to the right?

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Re: This is the guy BMW wants to put back in the WH

Post by Honeyman » Wed Mar 27, 2024 3:28 pm

I will never defend FOX News, however I do watch a lot of MSNBC and there is no right wing voice near that place.
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Re: This is the guy BMW wants to put back in the WH

Post by Rate This » Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:09 pm

bmw wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:55 pm
I've said in here before that in recent years that Fox News has really gone downhill. I agree with RT that it has become a Republican echo chamber and that the few liberals on the network are token liberals.

But that's not the point. The point is that it is not the role or job of an on-air personality to use their time slot to criticize their boss. And Andy - are you suggesting that the people on MSNBC aren't as far to the left and aligned with the opinions and goals of ownership as are the Fox News people to the right?
The ownership of FOX uses it to not only make money but influence the broader political discourse to their own personal goals and it doesn’t matter to them how much they have to distort or twist things or outright lie to their audience. The end goal is conservatives being outraged so much that they vote.

MSNBC doesn’t have the same model. It may try to be the left wing answer to FOX but its ownership isn’t a family with an axe to grind… it’s Comcast and their only interest is money and programming what their audience wants to see to get said money. The point of existence for the two channels is completely different and MSNBC has been through several different iterations with all kinds of ideological combinations.

As to hosts criticizing the company… that all comes down to what the standards and practices say… if they allow it then it’s usually because they don’t want to be seen as influencing the editorial content and approach of the talent. FOX definitely doesn’t follow a hands off approach.
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