Acceptable registrations in the queue through July 13 at 8:30a ET have now been activated. Enjoy! -M.W.

Terms of Use have been amended effective October 6, 2019. Make sure you are aware of the new rules! Please visit this thread for details: ... 16&t=48619


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Post by MWmetalhead » Sun Oct 06, 2019 7:30 am

Welcome to the Buzzboard!

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10. Question: "Where can I learn more about the editing and profile customization features of this site?" Answer: Please browse the FAQ page here: app.php/help/faq

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That's it! :)
Enjoy the conversation, and thank you for your interest in the Michigan Radio & TV Buzzboard!

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Post by Mega Hertz » Sat Nov 02, 2019 8:55 pm

"Internet is no more like radio than intravenous feeding is like fine dining."

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Post by TC Shuts Up » Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:18 pm

I don't know why this isn't in the Terms of Service. It should be.

"Posters and administrators are not allowed to reveal any personal or other identifying information on any thread, public or private, about other posters that will allow themselves or other posters to find other information or harass other posters. This includes a prohibition of using IP addresses being revealed for any purpose except requests by legal authorities or subpoena."

In other words, unless there is a clear violation of laws, personal information and IP information about other posters cannot be revealed by administrators or posters on any topic or thread, public or private.

Name calling and amateur psychoanalytic posts will not be tolerated by any administrator or poster on any thread, public or private.

I will be consulting my attorney about whether such disclosure is legal and whether there is tort law which would allow lawsuits in such cases.

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Post by Matt » Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:53 pm

TC Shuts Up wrote:
Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:18 pm
I don't know why this isn't in the Terms of Service. It should be.

"Posters and administrators are not allowed to reveal any personal or other identifying information on any thread, public or private, about other posters that will allow themselves or other posters to find other information or harass other posters. This includes a prohibition of using IP addresses being revealed for any purpose except requests by legal authorities or subpoena."

In other words, unless there is a clear violation of laws, personal information and IP information about other posters cannot be revealed by administrators or posters on any topic or thread, public or private.

Name calling and amateur psychoanalytic posts will not be tolerated by any administrator or poster on any thread, public or private.

I will be consulting my attorney about whether such disclosure is legal and whether there is tort law which would allow lawsuits in such cases.

This post will be archived for future use.
How do you feel about people who make accounts to troll an established poster? Can you ask Mike Morse about that?

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Post by TC Talks » Sun Jan 17, 2021 5:13 pm

Matt wrote:
Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:53 pm
TC Shuts Up wrote:
Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:18 pm
I don't know why this isn't in the Terms of Service. It should be.
How do you feel about people who make accounts to troll an established poster? Can you ask Mike Morse about that?
You know Matt,

I've seen a lot of this lately. People using websites owned by others thinking that they're some public utility.

You can't believe how much crying there has been when users with less than honorable intentions discover they aren't protected by some imaginary law they created in their heads.

I moderate a few other forums, and we have guys like this one. He should know what the risks are before making threats.
Whatever you do, take care of your shoes.

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Post by MWmetalhead » Sun Jan 17, 2021 6:18 pm

For the record, no personal information has been disclosed inappropriately. I simply informed some individuals that a certain individual is posting under multiple pseudonyms.

Neither account uses said individual's legal name or stage name. The IP address was NOT disclosed. No personally identifiable information of any kind was disclosed by me. I simply said the posts coming from the various accounts were traceable to the same IP.
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Post by MotorCityRadioFreak » Sun Aug 14, 2022 11:34 pm

I know MW can't answer this, but did anyone determine if that was really Mike Morse?
They/them, non-binary and proud.

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