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Government handouts to mega broadcasters

Discussion pertaining to the Tri-Cities, Flint, Mt. Pleasant, and Bad Axe
Posts: 2261
Joined: Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:59 am

Government handouts to mega broadcasters

Post by sinklair » Tue Nov 16, 2021 7:09 am

Congress is debating a bill that would give tax breaks to broadcasters, newspapers, radio stations and digital start ups for hiring journalists… an effort to encourage journalism organizations to hire more reporters, photographers, producers, etc. ... +Good+Look

I think the goal is admirable, but the idea that you’re going to give mega broadcasters like Sinclair and Nexstar tax breaks when they are raking in billions of dollars while paying their employees barely above minimum wage is ludicrous.

To think that tax breaks are going to result in increased hiring or a rise in wages is laughable. Sinclair CEO Chris the Ripper and owner/lover of prostitutes David Smith will just pocket the savings.

In addition, the article questions the journalistic independence that would suffer if corporations take tax breaks. I don’t know about you, but I doubt local journalists will stop asking tough questions of new Flint Mayor Eric Mays because Sinclair gets a tax write off.

If you want to give tax breaks, give them directly to the employees to encourage them to pursue careers in certain high-demand fields… like journalism or nursing. Do not give them to billionaire broadcasters who will just pocket the savings.

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