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Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Thu May 16, 2019 6:58 am

“Safe” means “resulting in death”? I question your use of “safe.”

And yes, just because something is outlawed doesn’t mean it will stop all of it. Suicide is technically illegal, but that fact hasn’t stopped anyone. Because the person who committed it is dead, they can not be prosecuted.

Who forced anyone to use a bent coat hanger, baseball bat, or any other means to kill their offspring? Your argument is nonsensical.

Why not outlaw locked doors? Because if a robbery happens, you have items stolen and a broken door! If doors simply opened freely, there wouldn’t be as many broken doors when robberies occur! “KEEP ROBBERY ‘SAFE’” should be your battle cry.

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Thu May 16, 2019 10:28 am

Here’s your “solution” to unwanted pregnancy: KILL IT!!!!

However, there are at least two options prior to pregnancy.

1. And this one is the most effective. DON’T BE A WHORE!!!

2. Condoms.

And, after pregnancy there are at least two options that don’t result in death.

1. Have the baby and take full responsibility for it.

2. Have the baby and allow someone else to adopt it.

But your reasoning is immoral, illogical, and irresponsible. If you saw something under a microscope and could tell it had a beating heart, what would be the ethical thing to do with it? Your answer: KILL IT!!!

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Sat May 18, 2019 6:50 am

screen glare wrote:
Fri May 17, 2019 11:26 pm
And - the state of Missouri is now marching in Alabama’s footsteps! Missouri’s got its very own hyper conservative anti-abortion bill making its way to becoming state law. Do these legislatures think Americans - especially female Americans - are going backwards in history? No way.

As I said - abortion will never go away.

It will just move to “back alley” status - and pregnant females will start dying in large numbers from botched abortions performed by non-MD “butchers” (including self-butchery abortions) where pregnant Americans die from blood loss, or from infection.
Oh, where are all these “back alley” abortions now in states where abortion is restricted? Oh, that’s right, NOWHERE!

Allow me to double down on your ignorance: NOBODY IS FORCING ANYONE TO A BACK ALLEY! THAT WOULD BE A CHOICE TOO!!!
screen glare wrote:
Sat May 18, 2019 1:50 am
PS males - once your baby is born from your one night stand with a person you hardly knew - bought and paid for - or a fun, free f—k - will you be a good life-long sport when your paycheck is garnished each month?

Biologically identifying you as the father is not difficult. Nor is dragging your face into open court for child support. Maybe you don’t want to see your kid. Or maybe you want custody. Either way it’s 18 years or more of lawyers fees and court dates, and paperwork, and maybe your wife reluctantly or your wife and kids vicariously involved.

Big hassle. Big money. Big emotional stress.

From my male viewpoint - I too want the freedom and option of legal abortion to be available. Those who don’t want it are free to choose not to pursue it. But don’t take away my freedom of choice to persuade the female I knocked up to abort.
Ah, so you don’t want the person who impregnated another person to be RESPONSIBLE?

“Big hassle. Big money. Big emotional stress.” YOU JUST DESCRIBED PARENTING AND FROM WHAT I HEAR, IT’S WONDERFUL! You think abortion doesn’t cost money or being emotional stress?

Again, your answer to someone willfully choosing to engage in an activity with someone else, with half a brain to realize it may result in the creation of another human, and rather be responsible for that choice by supporting the human created, your answer? KILL IT!

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Sat May 18, 2019 6:51 am

audiophile wrote:
Sat May 18, 2019 6:01 am
Life is a miracle, treat it that way.
Pretty much.

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Sat May 18, 2019 9:18 am

screen glare wrote:
Sat May 18, 2019 8:54 am
LL101 your pretzel “logic” is as twisted as your cop and copulation obsessions. Enjoy your fetish for fantasy, Jumpy - until your fantasy encroaches on American freedoms.

Legal abortion is The Law of the Land. It’s been Constitutional for near half a century. American females legally have freedom to choose abortion, or no abortion.

If you want freedom of choice regarding your own body then you must also respect the choices of others regarding theirs - no matter your religious convictions, or feelings, or philosophies.

From what you freely describe on this board about yourself and partners - packing, sucking, org-ing out as you merrily, gayly, gag along - I bet you are a staunch supporter of individual bodily freedom. When it involves you.
My fantasies don’t encroach on anyone. Everything I do is consensual among adults. I don’t kill offspring or anyone else. Not my thing.

Slavery was also legal at one time. You gonna defend that too, Skippy?! How about women and blacks not being allowed to vote? Gonna defend that too? That was the “law of the land” at one time. Once abortion is illegal, you gonna defend the law there or just when it conforms to your way of thinking? The “It’s the law!” defense is an appeal to authority, not an actual argument. Re:cops.

I have no religious views whatsoever, and even if I did, what does that have to do with killing someone or allowing someone to live? It’s science.

I have rights over my own body, and so should all other women. But the body inside her body is not her body. Let that sink in. Separate DNA, a separate beating heart and everything because: science.

Here’s an idea, for women who don’t want to become pregnant, follow your hero Alyssa Milano and go on a sex strike!

Defend murder all you want, but you’ll lose the argument every time. It’s your right!

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Sat May 18, 2019 2:59 pm

audiophile wrote:
Sat May 18, 2019 2:22 pm
bmw wrote:
Sat May 18, 2019 12:20 pm
Kinda funny how that works, isn't it? The mother can kill the baby up until birth and the father has no say, but once that baby is born, suddenly the father is responsible for that child and supporting it for the next 17 years.

Where are father rights in all of this?
A father’s right to kill his offspring? Really?

Oh, it’s a woman’s right to kill her offspring because it’s “her body,” right?

The skull that’s crushed and the limbs dismembered and removed are the mother’s body? Right? The second beating heart, unique DNA, and second set of fingerprints? YEP! IT’S THE MOTHER! Most women are two-headed during pregnancy. Their only means of survival is to kill another person inside her!

Oh, but let’s not outlaw murder! If it’s outlawed, people will be forced into a back alley! Let’s keep murder “safe and legal!”

Southern Sergeant Screen Glare of the Confederacy, “Slavery has been the law of the land since our fine nation’s founding! It’s safe and legal! If we outlaw it, black people’s quality of life will only improve! We can’t have that! Let’s fight a civil war to protect slavery!”

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Sat May 18, 2019 7:21 pm

zzand wrote:
Sat May 18, 2019 6:59 pm
Abortion in the case of rape, incest or to save the mother's life is valid, to fix a bad life decision is not valid.
Rape or incest justifies murder? Why does someone have to die because someone else committed a crime? Rape and incest account for less than 1% of abortions.

Also, most abortions are not because of the “life of the mother.” It’s the lifestyle of the mother.

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Sat May 18, 2019 10:09 pm

zzand wrote:
Sat May 18, 2019 9:22 pm
Then read the last part of my statement you dim bulb. I cover that.
You don’t think the person who committed rape or incest made a “bad life decision”?

zzand: “A crime was committed? Let’s kill another innocent life! That’ll make it all better!”

Why do you think violent murder is okay in certain instances?

The circumstances surrounding the conception of another human being are grounds for murdering that person? YOU MAKE ME SICK!!!

Can you honestly look someone in the eye who was conceived in rape and tell them that their life doesn’t matter and that their parents would have been justified killing them?

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Sun May 19, 2019 7:35 am

screen glare wrote:
Sun May 19, 2019 4:55 am
Slavery is an abomination. Period.
I agree! And so is murder! I hope we can agree on that some day.

Arguing that something is acceptable just because it’s currently legal is not an argument. It’s a simple appeal to authority!

You might as well be arguing “Teacher said so.”

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Sun May 19, 2019 8:33 am

zzand wrote:
Sat May 18, 2019 6:59 pm
Abortion in the case of rape, incest or to save the mother's life is valid, to fix a bad life decision is not valid.
zzand to offspring, “Little innocent one, your mother was a victim of a horrendous crime. Therefore, YOU get the death sentence. It’s not YOUR fault, but my twisted logic tells me an innocent person must be killed because of someone else’s bad decision. You see, TWO wrongs make a right, and one monstrous act deserves another. Hope you can understand. Hugs and kisses.”

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Sun May 19, 2019 12:08 pm

zzand wrote:
Sun May 19, 2019 11:04 am
Not even sure why this subject is being debated. For the most part, and I say most part because one poster doesn't recognize gender, We are a bunch of guys talking about something we have no say in. While we are 50 percent responsible for the pregnancy, we get no say in ending it. Now some women are saying men are 100 percent responsible for the unwanted pregnancy and I guess that means while the woman was there and wanted to have sex the fact that birth control failed or neither party used it is all the man's fault which is pure bullshit. So other than the three examples I stated above, I really tend to stay out of the discussion. I personally am against it but each person has to make their own decision on what they can live with. I do think the coat hanger thing is a bit of overkill as doctors can find ways to provide the service but can hide it behind other medical issues.
The subject is being debated because regardless of whether you have male, female, both, or neither sex organs, or whether you identify as any gender or not, you are allowed to have an opinion on murder. It is wrong.

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Sun May 19, 2019 12:36 pm

zzand wrote:
Sun May 19, 2019 12:13 pm
"you are allowed to have an opinion on murder. It is wrong." and that is your opinion. Many who support abortion, who feel it is not murder, and the death penalty have a different opinion and just like you it is their opinion...Don't state your opinion as fact because as I just proved it is not everyone's fact.
I can state my opinion as fact if I want. I have the same free speech as you do. I don’t try to restrict your speech. Why try to restrict mine?

Justifying murder doesn’t make it moral.

Having a positive opinion of abortion and/or slavery doesn’t make either one “right” for anyone.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.” That’s speaking of mankind. All humans. Killing any of them is wrong.


Oh, and the sky in blue!


Nickelback sucks.


Slavery is wrong.


Donald Trump is the current U.S.president.


E=mc squared.


Lansing is the capitol of Michigan.


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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Sun May 19, 2019 1:47 pm

screen glare wrote:
Sun May 19, 2019 1:29 pm
Abortion will ALWAYS be a choice - legal or not.

God has given humans free will - in this discussion to choose abortion, or not.

Each female is responsible for her own body and when pregnant must make the choice.

You can butt in, try to sway, or dominate. It’s still only HER choice.

Developing fetuses are broomed from wombs frequently. It’s miscarriage. An “act of God.” Not infrequently too early to notice.

(btw audiophile - a female forced to carry and deliver - against her God-given free will to decide to abort - is enslaved. And slavery is an abomination. Period.)
People have always had the choice to murder or not. Laws haven’t stopped murder.

So the mother of a child forced to feed and protect them is “enslaved”? Whether the child is just conceived or 17 years old, it’s the same person! One is the younger version, the other is the older version. A human nonetheless.

Just waiting for zzand to chime in with, “THAT’S YOUR OPINION!” and the Sarge to respond with, “IT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!”

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Sun May 19, 2019 4:25 pm

zzand wrote:
Sun May 19, 2019 3:18 pm
Sorry but I disagree that it is only her choice. The Father should have a voice too since he is 50 percent responsible.
It’s not only her decision to kill her child. The father can choose to hit her in the stomach with a baseball bat or other blunt object. He could cut the baby out and let it die by exposure. He could kill the mother and thereby kill the baby.

Any way you slice it (see what I did there), people should be responsible for their actions whether they want to kill their children (or anyone else) or not.

Everyone has free will to make these choices.

I choose to live and let live.

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Re: Bend those coat hangers Let ‘er rip!

Post by lovinlife101 » Sun May 19, 2019 4:25 pm

screen glare wrote:
Sun May 19, 2019 4:21 pm
Legal abortion must be the law of the land. Not a patch work of hundreds of laws - state by state - depending on demographics, education levels, religious dictates, etc. etc. etc.
Why should murder ever be legal?

When parents kill their kids now, society demands justice and holds the parents responsible.

But when there’s an effort to demand justice and hold parents responsible for killing their children via abortion, you have the zzands and screen glares of the world lighting their hair on fire screaming, “BACK ALLEYS! BENT COAT HANGERS! THE CHILD IS THE MOTHER’S BODY!!!!!!”

If zzand and screen glare were alive in the 1860s, they would be killing people to support “slave owners’ rights.” Their arguments would be:

“I may or may not support slavery, but it’s the slave owner’s free will to choose!”

“Manual labor is so expensive! Slavery is a better option!”

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